c l i c q

a command line icq client for un*x


clicq is a command line icq client (thus the name clicq). It is based on readline for a consistent command line input interface also known from bash. All clicq command are prefixed with a slash (/). You can type /help to get a list of commands and /help <command> to get help on a specific command.

The icq protocol implementation is based on icqlib. A version of icqlib is provided in the clicq tar ball. This is the CVS version of icqlib with some changed to accommodate clicq. You cannot build clicq with icqlib from the icqlib homepage.


To send an ICQ message you simply enter the nick name or the UIN of the person you want to send a message to on the command prompt. This will render you in compose mode where you can enter the message line by line. The finish and send the message you enter a dot (.) on an otherwise empty line. To cancel the message you enter a sharp sign (#).

You can reply to a message by pressing TAB once. This will auto fill in the name of the contact who has most recently sent you a message. Press TAB again to cycle through the names in the order you have received messages from them in. Press enter to begin the reply.


All icq messages are logged to a file the .clicqlog in your home directory. The logs are named after the UIN of the person you have received the messages from, but a link from his/her current nickname is created.


clicq implements command completion. When you are typing a command prefixed by a slash (/), you can auto complete it by pressing TAB. Most arguments to command are also completable. Press TAB twice to get a list of possible completions, just as in bash.